Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Doctor Vs Health Officer : Nowadays Situation

" In Denmark, every doctor is public health officer and every public health officer is a doctor."
-President George E. Vincent, Roketfeller Faoundation-

In Malaysia?? let us discuss about it. Generally doctor have their own world inside the hospitals and has full authority to treat patients. However, they also have instinct responsibilities towards situation accidental emergency response outside the hospitals. Different with Health Officers that have authority by department in Health District/State Office and all environment in Malaysia in order to prevent and control any harm or probability to cause disease. However there are some overlapping occurs when at hospitals when Health officer want to get information about suspected patient especially about their diagnosis but some doctors alike delay the report. When talking about incubation period and spreading phase, it plays with time and pathogenic multiplication. Everything should be fast to control any spreading of disease. This issue just been realized by ministry when Deangue case in Malaysia become worst even there are some other issues by health department itself that will be discussed on other issues.

Another thing to be discussed here is something that can be think by theoretically. As we know, all doctors is very expert in term of treatment. That is their compulsory knowledge. But, what will happen if this clinical-based person transferred into prevent-control management?? Its not their expertised. This is what happening inside District Health Office where Clinical-based doctors are authorizing all health officers. One funny thing to prove above statement that anyone can see is whenever District Health officer when to field for Aedes control and have an interview by reporters, it always shows that they focusing on the stuck-dirt drain. How can they search for an Aedes larvae in that type of drain???

This post just for all to read and think because we are in Health division. Either doctors or health officers have their own responsibilities. But if both can work together and work is done by own expertise, whatever disease, infection or just whatever health problems can be solve. Just remember, in Islam as last generation most of the "revenge" come in form of disease and natural disaster!! don't you think how important we are????


Farhanim bt Alias said...

bt0l2 faizal..ak sngtla setuju ngn ape yg k tulis ak spat0t pr0b neyh x jd...b0th H0 n DR have their 0wn scope 0f j0b...jgn la nk reb0t2...da ade batas2 tugas...s0 marila berkerjasame t0gether2...s0 that disease dpt dihapuskan...hehe~

Faizal Malek said...

yup2 btl tu.. yg penting kerja di bahagian kepakaran masing2 la... jgn la nak jd desktop manager je... keje nak duk pejabat, goyang kaki...

Unknown said...

betol la faizal...patutnya apa2 hal yang berkaitan dengan public health, biar otai public health yang jawab/cakap, bukannya doktor.

media pon satu, aper2 hal sodok mikrofon tu kat doktor...doktor mana la tau bagus sangat pasal benda2 camni. aku rasa media pon kena main peranan jugak. kalo x, orang public health nanti public x perasan nanti.

s.a.f.w.a said...

yupp..definitely agree wif ur opinion~ Doctor spatutnya duk kt hospital je diam2 treat patients..diorg x layak duduk kt kerusi district health officer tu kalaw still lg cr larvae dlm longkang KOTOR yg plak. Btw,sbb tu la ade pekeliling br supaya bdak2 kos kite amik alih tmpat tu dan doctor2 tu akn diserap ke hospital. So,bersame2 la kita bekerjasama manjaga kesihatan sejagat. Yeahhh..united we stand together~!! lalalala...

SyidaDida said...

ok mcm nie
doctors pun ade blaja management dlm hosp untuk cure disease
yes,ik pun of course blaja management tp OUTSIDE of the hospital
lagi2 untuk control vector
so bile kes denggi raise up,msg2 tuding jari ke deparment msg2
itu la yg berlaku di malaysia
never point their finger to their own face.hurm
n katenye,ade some voice ckp doc x layak duduk di kerusi HO tu, sye partially agree..sbb
doctors generally cure instead of CONTROL..bile control ni biasenye ik la kan?
tp biasa la doktor~everyone has higher expected to the doctors,they think..oooo as a doctors,u should know all..n all..shoul know tis,should know dat~erm that's y para doktor rase mereke layak those chair of HO,they are qualified,capable to be seated
n now,dah ade pekeliling kan
n mmg mesti setting btul2
n work with their own expertise
so xkan ade istilah rebut2 seat
then,bg saye,docs just not working 24 hours dlm hosp je~
tu mcm pemahaman yg salah
yup supposely docs has to,tp not nowadays~why???
tepuk dada tnye iman~
mau ingat sendiri ye,=

PREVENTION is better than CURE!!
so if we see thid idiom
prevention is refered to ik
n cure is refered to doctors,paramedic
tp kite xboleh fikir mcm tu
so same2 la memikul tanggungjawab
n PROFESIONALISM is most needed in our health carrier~