Friday, June 26, 2009

Bone grafting

Whats that? Introducing my new x-ray, still hot,just take it this morning,haha. Even it is not really clear, but as u can see there are three part of iron planting that is one one radius and 2 for ulna. However what be seen here is there is some missing bone at the red pointer. There are two actually on both ulna and radius. The length of missing bone is 1 cm each. In Medicine, it is quite horrible.

So talking about bone grafting? have any idea? actually it is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone with material from the patient's own body. I myself will undergo Autogenous bone grafting that involves taking the my own bone from a part of the body where it is not essential (typically from the pelvis or iliac crest), and placing it where it's needed. Autogenous bone grafts are the most preferred by surgeons because there is less risk of the bone being rejected due to the fact that the bone originated in the patient's body. The procedure is simple by cut the iliac crest( as picture below) like a window, and a bone generative cell will be taken form inside and the iliac creat will be closed back. How about the effect? For sure there will be a scar and little pain form 1 month. A very long time to be cured and normal as before.


Anonymous said...


SyidaDida said...

Bone grafting?

SyidaDida said...


Farhanim bt Alias said...

ape tu b0ne grafting??huhu~bl0g k0 ari2 tuka lagu..menarik2..hihi~

SyidaDida said...

okey nice xray photo taken by radiologist!!hehe
n yet,awak is waiting 4 a little of pain n any trouble that would be experienced after surgery is done.
fr xray radius n ulna,ye2,it reveal that ade a space of missing bone
report doctormase accident said that commnited fracture kan???so communited fracture ni if nak our malay understanding is retak bnk ,serpihan,if cermin kite ckp retak seribu
hurm mcm tu la
hurm teruk la juga kes ni
n this is such a new interesting orthopedic case that came over to mine mind!!!hehe
indirectly,ida akan belaja sekali
so if tgk xray tu kan,ade a few hole kan
means that,the bone was not properly healed,ida x sure with
somes bone tissue (osteocytes).
it really take times to cure it..
there is 7 steps of bone healing in pathology sites
it has to engulf of the debris,hematoma,formation of woven n lamina bone n has to be calcified.
mmg makan mase untuk sembuh
n pain tu of course la sbb di bone itself to much of nerve innervation n lood supply
so back to bone grafting nie
doc akan take out material (mesenchymal cell rasenye,undifferentiated cell) fr iliac crest (tulang punggung)then akan di masukkan to the sites which is needed.dlm case ni kat radius la,for reconstruction of the bone.then if ade lubang2 tu boleh healed ,insyaAllah
n that y its call autogenous bone grafting..take out material fr own body.
ida nak tgk sgt how this surgery is carried out if i will be given a chance by doc2 kat ppum tu.hehe

Anonymous said...

sy suke syida dida ni
explaination nye peh
adakah anda seorang pelajar perubatan?
sy haza, selamat berkenalan
(ignore faizal eventhough this is his blog, hahaha)

Anonymous said...

hai haza,salam perkenalan
InsyaAllah,pelajar perubatan
baru 2nd year,jauh lagi perjalanan
ilmu pun x cukup lg,hehe
ha tu la,
explaination sy pnjg lebar kan
actually,sy x posting lagi tulang2(ortopedic) or accident n emergency nie
tp boleh la explain the basic patho
xpe,janji org lain bley faham

p/s:awak,sory ida "tercapub" jap